Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2

This story is about 3 years ago. It’s been a long time ,all memory when my friends and I together. High school era. That was before we were getting face the national final exam. I was with My friends are uchi, rini, juli and norma spent our holiday in somewhere. From the start with reckless, we were going there . some of us took the bus and train, We all met at bogor station. we were on the way, while rain is about to start. Then finally we met in there but that was washing time because we got lost and I didn’t know about my friends who took the bus. We walked away then took beca but still didn’t find them all. Finally we asked keep hanging around with becak then found them all. We were soaking wet, then dry after that back getting wet then dry again fufufufu. But we just enjoyed before got stress because of uan. No matter what happened we just kept laughing. Now we cant turn back time because they are getting busy because of college and work. But we still keep the communication and I cant forget them.